

Friday, August 18, 2023

Easy way to Apply in life - the Bhagavad Gita Chapte 3 (Karma Yog)

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 (Karma Yog) Apply in Daily Life

Easy way to Apply in  life  - the Bhagavad Gita Chapte 3 (Karma Yog)

Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita:

The Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3, the conversation between Arjuna and Lord Krishna continues. Arjuna is puzzled about doing his duty and asks Lord Krishna about the difference between selfless action and inaction. He wonders if it's better to give up action altogether to avoid any negative consequences.

Lord Krishna explains that no one can truly avoid action completely, as even our bodies perform actions naturally. He talks about how avoiding action would not be wise because even basic tasks like breathing and eating involve actions. He emphasizes that everyone is part of the system of creation and everything is interdependent.

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This chapter teaches us that we can't avoid doing things in life. Whether it's studying or helping at home, we all have responsibilities. It's important to do them without only thinking about rewards. By doing our duties selflessly, we not only help others but also grow as better individuals.

The chapter encourages us to find a balance between our desires and our responsibilities. It reminds us that everyone's contribution matters and by doing our part, we contribute to a harmonious world.

The significance of this chapter lies in understanding the concept of duty and selfless action. Lord Krishna explains that we should do our duties without any attachment to the results. He talks about how by performing our roles with dedication and without selfish desires, we can contribute to the overall harmony of the world.

over that , the importance of doing our duties sincerely and not shying away from action. It also emphasizes that inaction is not a solution. By performing our responsibilities selflessly, we not only contribute positively to society but also attain personal growth and spiritual progress. The teachings of this chapter encourage us to find a balance between action and detachment, making us more responsible and mindful individuals.

Students can learn from Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3, Mentioned in a very Simple way with examples:

Importance of Doing Our Duties:

                Just like how we need to do our schoolwork, in life, we have responsibilities too. The lesson here is to do our duties honestly. For instance, even if you don't feel like studying, doing your homework helps you learn and do well in exams.

Easy way to Apply in  life  - the Bhagavad Gita Chapte 3 (Karma Yog)

Doing our duties honestly

Working Together:

            The chapter tells us that everyone has a role to play, just like in a school project. Imagine if one person doesn't contribute, the project might not be as good. Similarly, when everyone does their part, things work better.

Easy way to Apply in  life  - the Bhagavad Gita Chapte 3 (Karma Yog)

Everyone does their part, things work better.

Be  a Good Example:

                 Sometimes, others watch what we do, especially younger siblings or friends. So, if we are responsible and kind, they might also learn those good habits from us.

Struggle for Success:

               Just like how we practice for a sport to get better, in life, we might face challenges. This chapter tells us not to give up but to face difficulties and keep trying. 

Easy way to Apply in  life  - the Bhagavad Gita Chapte 3 (Karma Yog)
Never Give up . Giving up is great Failure

Controlling Our Mind:

               Ever felt like doing something fun when you're supposed to study? That's our mind trying to distract us. The lesson here is to control our mind and focus on what's important.

Easy way to Apply in  life  - the Bhagavad Gita Chapte 3 (Karma Yog)

Learning from Older People:

             Think of your grandparents or teachers. They have more experience. This chapter suggests we should listen and learn from them, just like we learn from our teachers in school.

Easy way to Apply in  life  - the Bhagavad Gita Chapte 3 (Karma Yog)
Learn From Experienced People

Balancing Work and Rest:

                  We need to balance our playtime and study time, just like how we balance eating our favorite snack with eating healthy food.
Easy way to Apply in  life  - the Bhagavad Gita Chapte 3 (Karma Yog)
Balance our playtime and study time

Not Expecting Immediate Results:

            Like planting a seed doesn't make a tree grow instantly, good things take time. Similarly, if we work hard consistently, our efforts will show results over time.

Easy way to Apply in  life  - the Bhagavad Gita Chapte 3 (Karma Yog)
 Our efforts will show results over time.

Staying Humble:

                     Imagine you're good at a subject and someone needs help. Sharing your knowledge with them and not boasting about it is being humble.

Be Kind and Respectful:

                 Just as we treat our friends nicely, the Gita teaches us to treat everyone with kindness and respect.

Easy way to Apply in  life  - the Bhagavad Gita Chapte 3 (Karma Yog)
Be Kind and Respectful with others

Doing Our Best:

                    Think of a puzzle. To complete it, you need to put every piece in the right place. Similarly, giving our best effort in everything we do helps us succeed.

Being Determined:

                       Imagine learning to ride a bike. You might fall at first, but if you keep trying, you'll eventually succeed. This chapter encourages us to be determined and not give up.

Making Good Choices:

                    Like we choose to eat healthy food for our body, making good choices in life helps our mind and soul grow strong.

Easy way to Apply in  life  - the Bhagavad Gita Chapte 3 (Karma Yog)
Helps our mind and soul grow strong.

Staying Patient:

                    Sometimes, things don't happen the way we want. Just like waiting for your turn in a game, the Gita says patience is important in life too.
Easy way to Apply in  life  - the Bhagavad Gita Chapte 3 (Karma Yog)

Not Letting Emotions Control Us:

                   When we get angry, it's like a storm in our mind. The Gita teaches us to control these storms and stay calm.

Easy way to Apply in  life  - the Bhagavad Gita Chapte 3 (Karma Yog)
Control  storms and stay calm by Meditation

Being Thankful:

                Imagine someone helps you when you're struggling with homework. Saying "thank you" shows appreciation. Similarly, the Gita encourages us to be thankful for what we have.

Easy way to Apply in  life  - the Bhagavad Gita Chapte 3 (Karma Yog)


Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 guiding us to do the right things, balance our actions, and contribute positively to the world around us. Eeveryone has a role to play. It encourages us to find a balance between our desires and our responsibilities. It reminds us that everyone's contribution matters and by doing our part, we contribute to a harmonious world.

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Frequently Asked Question

What is the main theme of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3?The main theme is about understanding the concept of duty (dharma) and the importance of action.
Why was Arjuna confused about doing his duty?Arjuna was unsure if doing his duty would lead to negative outcomes and if it's better to avoid it.
What does Lord Krishna mean by selfless action?Selfless action means doing tasks without expecting personal benefits or rewards in return.
How does Lord Krishna explain the concept of duty?Lord Krishna explains that everyone has a role to play in the universe and should perform duties.
What does Lord Krishna teach about balance in life?Lord Krishna teaches that balancing our desires and responsibilities is important for a good life.
How can we relate the idea of setting an example?Just as older siblings set a good example for younger ones, performing duties sets an example.
What is Lord Krishna's advice on finding balance?Lord Krishna advises finding a balance between material desires and spiritual or moral duties.
How does the chapter emphasize being part of the whole?The chapter suggests that everyone is interconnected and contributes to the harmony of the world.
What is the significance of doing tasks selflessly?Doing tasks without selfish desires contributes to a better society and personal spiritual growth.
How can the lessons from this chapter be applied today?The lessons apply to balancing work, setting examples, and performing duties without selfishness.

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