

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

How to overcome from Diperession - Bhagavad Gita's Teaching

How to Overcome from Diperession

The Bhagavad Gita offers timeless wisdom that can help students deal with depression. Here are some key teachings explained simply, with examples from daily life:

1. Understanding Your True Self

  • Teaching: The Gita says you are more than just your body and mind; you are an eternal soul.

  • Example: Think of yourself like a driver of a car. The car (your body) can get old or break down, but the driver (your soul) remains the same. Knowing this can help you feel less worried about temporary problems.

2. Doing Your Duty (Karma Yoga)

Beside this you can refere Bhagavad Gita Made Simple Part 1-3 specially written form prespective of student.

1.                      Bhagavad gita made simple  part1

2.                       Bhagavad gita made simple  part-2

3.                      Bhagavad gita made simple  Part3

Available in both Hindi and English

3. Devotion and Surrender (Bhakti Yoga)

  • Teaching: Dedicate your actions and efforts to something higher, actions and efforts to something higher, like God or a noble cause.

  • Example: If you love painting, do it as a way to express gratitude to the universe. This mindset can make you feel more fulfilled and less pressured by external expectations.

4. Gaining Knowledge (Jnana Yoga)

  • Teaching: Seek knowledge and understand the bigger picture of life.

  • Example: Learning about different subjects and understanding that failures are just steps to success can help you see beyond immediate problems. For instance, if you didn’t get selected for a sports team, understand it’s just one event in a long journey.

5. Meditation and Mind Control (Dhyana Yoga)

  • Teaching: Practice meditation to calm your mind and gain control over your thoughts.

  • Example: Spend a few minutes each day sitting quietly and focusing on your breath. This can help reduce stress and clear your mind, making it easier to handle challenges like exams or peer pressure.

6. Detachment from Results (Vairagya)

  • Teaching: Don’t get too attached to success or failure.

  • Example: When participating in a competition, enjoy the process and effort you put in, rather than worrying about winning. This approach helps you stay happy and motivated regardless of the outcome.

Note for Students:

The Gita teaches that understanding your true self, focusing on doing your best without worrying about results, dedicating your actions to a higher purpose, seeking knowledge, practicing meditation, and not getting too attached to outcomes can help you feel less depressed and more content.

Daily Life Examples:

  • Studying for Exams: Focus on learning and understanding rather than just getting good grades.

  • Sports and Hobbies: Enjoy playing and improving your skills rather than only aiming to win.

  • Friendship and Relationships: Be a good friend and cherish moments without fearing rejection or loss.

Bhagavad Gita is Also written for the kids of Age group 5-12

Learn Solve and Shine  (Part 1-3) Available in both Hindi and English         

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